Tuesday, December 15, 2009
There is a heartbeat in my uterus...
Our next appt, we get to have an ultasound in about four weeks. I'm so happy that Summer is going to be a big sister!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Winter is here..
After Chris left for work at 4 yesterday, I was BoReD, and didn't have an idea for anything fun indoors, so we went out. It was a cold 18 degrees, but it felt warmer. It took probably a good 10 minutes to get all of Summer's winter gear on, Snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and mittens. That's a lot of stuff for a little 20 pound kid.
I was trying to show her to not be afraid of the snow. I put some on her tongue. She loves ice, so she must have liked the snow too. I put some on her glove and it went straight to her mouth. Pretty cute.
Today we are staying inside, it is snowing beautifully, and we may get a foot today!
Christmas party!
Chris recieved his 5 year service award, which was a sterio that has an Ipod dock,very cool. His name was also drawn and he won a 10.1 mega pixel digital camera from Sony. We already have an awesome digital camera thanks to Bob, my father in law, so we are going to return it and get Chris some warm coveralls that he will need for all the snow that is to hit the Midwest.
My parents watched Summer, my nephews, Tyler and Jayden were here, and it sounds like Jayden and Summer played all night! I had arranged for my dad to come pick me up at 7:30 so I could get Summer to bed, since I'm the only lucky one to be able to. But i was tired and Summer was definetly ready for bed once she saw me, ew, and Crab-by! Of course she missed her second nap that day. But all in all we had a lot of fun and it was a great day! I was so nervous about how Summer was going to do, I forgot to take pictures. :{
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Legend of the Christmas Spider
The house was cleaned and decorated with great care. A Christmas tree was brought in and arrayed with ornaments and decorations. That night, when the family had gone to bed, the spiders returned to the main rooms of house to see what the flurry of activity had been all about. They were delighted by the beauty of the home. The Christmas tree was the center of attention, however, and the spiders ran to the tree and danced throughout its branches so they could admire each and every one of the ornaments. Of course, to do this, the spiders had to spin their webs, so the tree was soon wrapped with strands of dull gray spider silk.
In the morning, the Christ child came to bless the house. The tree was beautiful to him, for after all, the spiders were among God's creatures, but he knew the mother, who had worked so hard to clean the house, was not likely to view the webs the same way. The Christ child touched the spider webs and they began to glisten and glimmer and turn to sparkling garlands of gold and silver.
In the morning, the entire family gathered about the Christmas tree and exclaimed that it had never looked so lovely! Only the mother knew that the sparkling strands were a true Christmas miracle and not some last-minute decoration. Since that time, it has been tradition to bedeck the tree with garlands and tinsel. While the mother still chases the spiders away for cleaning on Christmas Eve, she remembers and honors the Christmas miracle by hanging a spider ornament among the branches of the tree.
I think that is a really neat story! If you want to make your own Christmas spider ornament,copy and paste this, my hyper link isn't working. http://www.betterbudgeting.com/christmasornaments/chirstmasspider.htm
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Give thanks
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I've been MIA...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
WAL*MART employee of the month
When we are all finished up I pick a line that had only a few people in it with a few items. When we get up there for our turn, Chris is getting all the stuff out of the cart and I get to meet walmart's employee of the month! Lucky me! She was a heavy set women, looked possibly pregnant but I believe she was too old to be bearing child, with thick wavy blond and gray hair pulled back into a pony tail. She was wearing no smile, was moving quite slow, I think because she was in a very bad mood. There was a little girl probably 18 months old in a cart shouting by customer service, and our cashier kept giving the evil eye too and grumbleing under her breath. I pretended not to notice. Chris looked up towards the little girl and our cashier said, "annoying in'it?" Chris did not hear her, she then goes on to say to herself, "She's entertaining herself, and annoying the rest of us." I was thinking yikes! I picked a bad line!
This was all before she even got our reusable bags ready to bag our stuff. Most employees do not like bagging with the reusable bags and our EOTM did not either. She takes all my bags and starts shaking them and says to me, "You really should wash these, there is pet hair on them, that is so unsanitary!" In a snotty, uptight tone. I then told her that I tried washing one and it balled up and that they were not washable. So she grabs a bag looks at the tag and sees it reads, "hand wash only." She raised her vioce and said. "hand wash only? That is ridiculous! They are supposed to be reusable!" And adds, "I'm allegic to pet hair" with the same tone and started sniffleing dramatically and wiping her nose on her shirt. I looked over at Chris with wide eyes but he was oblivious to the whole thing, still busy getting our things out of the cart. When we left I'm sure the poorwoman waiting behind us got an earful of my pet hair bags. Chris couldn't believe what he had missed, he probably would have said something smart to her, if he had heard though.
We have pets, and my bags have a few pet hairs on them, but it wasn't like I let the dogs roll around on my bags. I will use a lint roller before going to the store next time, in case I run into Mrs. Sniffles again...
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Recently though she has nocticed the "l" sound on the end of the word ball. So instead of saying "bo" she really tries to put the "l" sound on the end. It cracks me up! Take a look! She was ready to get out of the high chair and play.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A beautiful day!
We got outta town! We did! We really, really did! I know that sounds totally lame, and this would not be an accomplishment for most. But for us this is huge! I woke up this morning and before we even got out of bed I decided I wanted to go to see my mom who lives 45 minutes away.
Summer is a nightmare in the car, she cries, sobs, and screams, it makes my stomach hurt, it is so bad. I have not been to my hometown since before Easter, so probably 7months. Crazy I know!
I got her diaper bag prepared with enough stuff in case we made it there but couldn't make it back home. LOL! In the back of my head I thought it was silly, b/c we would only make it 10 minutes out of the city before she started to act up. I let her eat her breakfast in the car, I gave her a baggie of grapes. My Lord it worked! Now they didn't last the whole time obviously and she still did very well. A lot of prayers were said today.
Grandma was so happy to see her, she hasn't been there since she was really little so she didn't remember anything at all and everything was new. She was excited about everything, especially mom's dog Oz and the cat. She was giving grandma kisses like crazy it was a really fun day! We went to see great Grandma Faye and she had nothing but compliments to say, which, if you know her, that really is something coming from her! (Sorry Grandma Faye, you know it's true. LOL)
Unfortunatley, I left in such a hurry this morning I didn't think to bring my camera, so I'll throw in some recent pics of my Summer bummer.
Little pigtails
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Collar Chaos!
Bear got his collar back moments later, Bailey on the other hand had to waitfor her's to dry, since Summer threw her collar in the shower.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Trying to find fun inside
What's that dog's, you want in?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Visit from the Grandparents
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
We turned out little monkey into a cute little bunny. I made up some bunny ears and sewed them on a headband and made a tail too. I think it was pretty cute, and she stayed plenty warm!
The tail, hehe!
John and Evelyn gave her an apple, (thank you!) A brand new shiny penny and of course some candycorn (she loved!), a sucker, and some Andes mint, which she was trying to eat with the paper on! Then we went to Dave and Sandy's where they gave her three handfuls of chocolate bars! Yum!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Walking fool
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Curtains, aprons, and irons, OH MY!
Thia apron pattern was difficult and didn't come out right so I had to modify it all by myself. It was supposed to be a round neck, but when I put it on it looked like I cut a hole in a potato sack and was wearing that. But I made it into a "kimono" style apron as you can see. LOL
Here, I thought I should throw in a picture of the little piggy eating spaghetti at lunch today.
She's a pasta lover!>
No bib, I live on the wild side!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Daddy's day off!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sewing project #1 complete!
I will not be keeping it though for myself, I'm selling this bad boy, (or girl) if you are interested let me know, Christmas is around the corner!
I was inspired to start sewing, because I wanted to make Summers diaper wipes out of super soft flannel recieving blankets. If you wonder why cloth wipes, here's why. When I'm done with a wipe I can just throw it in the diaper and wash it all together, just like people that use disposables, put their disposable wipes in the dipe and toss in the garbage. Thanks to Grandma Teri, I can sew now. I couldn't remember how to use a sewing machine, so she brought hers over and taught me.
One other thing I have made makes me really happy! You know those plastic produce bags at the grocery store? I made draw strings cloths bags for our grocery trips. And they were (sew=)) easy to make, I took an old white sheer curtain I was not going to use and used twill for the draw string. These weigh 4 oz compared to plastic that are 1 oz, but it's worth it. Marine animals find these plastic bags in the ocean and think they are food and bring them home to their babies, and then they die because of these bags. Reusable are the way to go!
This is my new to me sewing machine, a vintage Singer sewing machine in console, (that works perfectly) and this cool retro chair. I found this on Craigslist and gave the guy $30. What a steal! Though it's hard to get any sewing time in with Summer running around, but I manage!