It's been pretty lazy around here lately, not much going on, and it's super cold out. We just find things to do inside, and I have had no ambition or energy for that matter. So this is what Chris and I caught Summer doing one day.

Just laying around with the dogs and some ornaments off the tree, poor kid must havebeen bored, because she never just lies around.

Here is Buddy Bear, enjoying the flashing Christmas tree lights and gazing out the door. This is the life for a dog though, and he is enjoying the day.
After Chris left for work at 4 yesterday, I was BoReD, and didn't have an idea for anything fun indoors, so we went out. It was a cold 18 degrees, but it felt warmer. It took probably a good 10 minutes to get all of Summer's winter gear on, Snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and mittens. That's a lot of stuff for a little 20 pound kid.

Here she is in all her gear, she was not enjoying it. I don't know what it is, but she wanted me to hold her. Can you imagine what it must be like for a kid? She was outside everyday this summer loving the outdoors and the weather, and now this. What happened? Why do I feel so cold? And where are the pretty greens, all I see is white. Probably a shock to the system.

I was trying to show her to not be afraid of the snow. I put some on her tongue. She loves ice, so she must have liked the snow too. I put some on her glove and it went straight to her mouth. Pretty cute.
Today we are staying inside, it is snowing beautifully, and we may get a foot today!
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