Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There is a heartbeat in my uterus...

HAH! Chris and I found out we are expecting again on Halloween. But we couldn't get into the OB's office until yesterday. We got to listen to the heartbeat of our little one, it beat at a strong 158 beats per minute. How exciting and surreal. I had morning sickness for 3 weeks, same as last time. I feel great! Our little peanut is due July 7th, maybe this one will come on Daddy's birthday, as Summer came on mine.

Our next appt, we get to have an ultasound in about four weeks. I'm so happy that Summer is going to be a big sister!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Winter is here..

It's been pretty lazy around here lately, not much going on, and it's super cold out. We just find things to do inside, and I have had no ambition or energy for that matter. So this is what Chris and I caught Summer doing one day.

Just laying around with the dogs and some ornaments off the tree, poor kid must havebeen bored, because she never just lies around.
Here is Buddy Bear, enjoying the flashing Christmas tree lights and gazing out the door. This is the life for a dog though, and he is enjoying the day.

After Chris left for work at 4 yesterday, I was BoReD, and didn't have an idea for anything fun indoors, so we went out. It was a cold 18 degrees, but it felt warmer. It took probably a good 10 minutes to get all of Summer's winter gear on, Snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and mittens. That's a lot of stuff for a little 20 pound kid.

Here she is in all her gear, she was not enjoying it. I don't know what it is, but she wanted me to hold her. Can you imagine what it must be like for a kid? She was outside everyday this summer loving the outdoors and the weather, and now this. What happened? Why do I feel so cold? And where are the pretty greens, all I see is white. Probably a shock to the system.

I was trying to show her to not be afraid of the snow. I put some on her tongue. She loves ice, so she must have liked the snow too. I put some on her glove and it went straight to her mouth. Pretty cute.

Today we are staying inside, it is snowing beautifully, and we may get a foot today!

Christmas party!

This last weekend Chris and I attended his company Christmas party. It was so much fun, although these parties are from 5 pm tp 11 pm. Seems a bit much, but you have to stick around in case they draw your name for a big prize every hour! The party was at Kahills in The Marinna Inn, which is very nice. Since Chris works for Beef Products Inc, we had to have their beef, which Chris said was more likely better quality, so we enjoyed prime rib. There was a cute photo booth that you could get a cute holiday card with four pictures of you and your better half for free. I don't think the line ever ended though. There was a DJ and a dance floor.

Chris recieved his 5 year service award, which was a sterio that has an Ipod dock,very cool. His name was also drawn and he won a 10.1 mega pixel digital camera from Sony. We already have an awesome digital camera thanks to Bob, my father in law, so we are going to return it and get Chris some warm coveralls that he will need for all the snow that is to hit the Midwest.

My parents watched Summer, my nephews, Tyler and Jayden were here, and it sounds like Jayden and Summer played all night! I had arranged for my dad to come pick me up at 7:30 so I could get Summer to bed, since I'm the only lucky one to be able to. But i was tired and Summer was definetly ready for bed once she saw me, ew, and Crab-by! Of course she missed her second nap that day. But all in all we had a lot of fun and it was a great day! I was so nervous about how Summer was going to do, I forgot to take pictures. :{

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Legend of the Christmas Spider

The day before Christmas the mother of a family made a huge effort to get her home clean so it could be decorated and made ready to be blessed by the Christ child on Christmas. The spiders fled before the vigorous onslaught of the broom. They scurried away to hide up in the furthest reaches of the attic.

The house was cleaned and decorated with great care. A Christmas tree was brought in and arrayed with ornaments and decorations. That night, when the family had gone to bed, the spiders returned to the main rooms of house to see what the flurry of activity had been all about. They were delighted by the beauty of the home. The Christmas tree was the center of attention, however, and the spiders ran to the tree and danced throughout its branches so they could admire each and every one of the ornaments. Of course, to do this, the spiders had to spin their webs, so the tree was soon wrapped with strands of dull gray spider silk.

In the morning, the Christ child came to bless the house. The tree was beautiful to him, for after all, the spiders were among God's creatures, but he knew the mother, who had worked so hard to clean the house, was not likely to view the webs the same way. The Christ child touched the spider webs and they began to glisten and glimmer and turn to sparkling garlands of gold and silver.

In the morning, the entire family gathered about the Christmas tree and exclaimed that it had never looked so lovely! Only the mother knew that the sparkling strands were a true Christmas miracle and not some last-minute decoration. Since that time, it has been tradition to bedeck the tree with garlands and tinsel. While the mother still chases the spiders away for cleaning on Christmas Eve, she remembers and honors the Christmas miracle by hanging a spider ornament among the branches of the tree.

I think that is a really neat story! If you want to make your own Christmas spider ornament,copy and paste this, my hyper link isn't working.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!

Happy December everyone! It really does seem like a magical time, doesn't it? Yesterday we went and picked out our Christmas tree, and I have to say we picked a great one this year. I don't even think it is going to fall over on us! We bought blue and silver bulbs and clear lights, not too mention 4000 strands of tinsel. We were going for ghetto fabulous, but after Chris put on only 2000 strands it wasn't looking very fabulous at all, so we took it all off.

Summer thinks everything is a ball on the tree, which kinda cute, she hasn't messed with it too much. Just carries them around and says, "ball?"

Summer and her fresh picked "ball."

Trying to put it back.