Summer's vocabulary is growing fast! Her words consist of Mama, Dad, Daddy, Bear, Bailey, Jayden, ball, bye, dog, squirell, and most recently, bubble, ducky and poo-poo! The one she uses most often is "uh" while she's pointing at everything. I'm sure I forgot some, but she is moving right along. She's taking more steps through the day now, I'd say she walks 25% of the time and crawls still 75% of the time. She also signs for when she needs a diaper change, by patting at her hip.
She's doing great, and doing everything she should be for a 13 month old. Except for one little thing, sleeping through the night. In fact we are still waking up 5 or 6 times a night. Please pray for me, God, I miss consecutive hours of sleep, and being comfortable in bed.
Chris is doing great, likes his new position at work. I think he especilaly likes coming home now. Summer squeals and throws whatever she has in her hands when she sees her Daddy walk through the door so she can gets to him as fast as she can. She is becoming a Daddy's girl, she loves hanging out with him.
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