Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 25, 2010

Low carb

Well I'm back on the low carb diet that I was on while pregnant with Summer, since I had gestational diabetes. I figure I will have it again, so I'm getting a jump start on it. It's kind of nice knowing what you can and can't eat. Isn't it hard on your own? Luckilly I got to see a dietitian, and I learned the ropes of low carb eating.

While pregnant with Summer I gained 10 pounds before finding out I had GD and starting the diet. By the time I had her I was down 25 pounds. I am hoping to lose weight with this pregnancy too, I was losing about 3 pounds a weeks, amazing!

I know, different diets work for different people. Just so happens my body responds really well to the low carb diet. Some people go on it and there body does not respond. If you are looking to lose weight this year, one diet may not work, but just try another. Good luck! Wish me luck too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for the comment :)
    Nice that we both have little birds...they are easier to carry!
    Summer is ADORABLE!! (I love the post where she stole pizza from the fridge--and the one where her and the dogs are laying in front of the patio doors).
    I've tried to follow before but couldn' must have switched to public! :)
    CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy!
