I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! Ours was really nice except for Chris had to work 3rd shift Wednesday night so he was not able to join us at my parents. He enjoyed a frozen pizza and football for his Thanksgiving. Summer cried the about 35 minutes of the drive home because she was tired, I wish she could figure out how to go to sleep in the car seat.
I really like this time of year when you can take it easy and reflect on the things you are thankful for.
I am so thankful for my little family. Chris is thebest husband I could ask for. He is supportive, helpful and he puts up with me! Summer is the most beautiful little girl I know, she is loving, funny and the light of my life.
My extended family is a hoot, we always have fun and there is always a little drama which we laugh about. I'm thankful for the holidays we spend together. I'm thankful that my sister Jac and my nephew Tyler are moving back home, just in time for Christmas. We will have the whole family in the same area for once!
I am thankful for Summer having great grandparents.
I'm thankful for my pets, Onyx, Bailey and Bear. They can be a BIG pain, but they do bring a lot of joy into the family.
I am thankful for my life that is FULL of blessings, we have health, all our wonderful senses, laughter, Chris provides for the family so I can stay home and raise our children, for those little things that bring a smile to my daughter face. We are all so very blessed, it brings happiness to my day just thinking about how blessed we all are. We are also happy for little miracles.