Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeling like summertime!

All though it is Spring, it hasn't been a soggy one, which after that long winter we deserve a nice Spring.

We have started going fo our walks, and going to the park and the other day we made smoothies after our walk.

Her hair was crazy b/c it was in a ponytail but it was so windy at the park.

As you can see she was very content with her smoothies, blueberries on her face and all!

Taking a break to discuss the yumminess!

All done!

I love smoothies b/c they are so fresh and good for her. On this particular day we used stawberries, blueberries and bananas for fruit, creamy strawberry yogurt by Yoplait and some milk and threw it in a blender. You can use Orange juice instead of milk but we prefer milk!


The Easter bunny showed up at the Birdsell home. Here are some of the pics of that lovely day.

Picking up all the eggs the bunny left for her.

She found lots of chocolate in the eggs.

She got super excited and kept saying, "chaukey!"

Her getting into her reeses peanut butter cup

With her mouth full she discovers her Easter basket, full of hot wheels, and other goodies.

Friday, April 2, 2010

All good in the hood

Babies are booming on my block. When we moved into this nice quiet neighborhood almost 5 years ago, it was mainly older people, who's kids where all grown up and out of the house. Within the last couple years, we have had some younger couples move in. And just on our little street there is going to be three babies born with in 3 months of each other. My next door neighbor is due any day now, and a girl up the street is due a week after me.

I have spoken to one of my older neighbors one day last summer as Summer and I were going for a walk, and we ended up sitting in his front lawn chatting for almost an hour. He told me he was one of the original S.O.B.'s, funny eh? "South Olive Bunch" is what they called themselves, (the street we live on.) The men and women would get together once a week, the women would play cards and the the men would meet somewhere to drink coffee and chat. He still meets up with two of the other men, although it was starting to dwindle as health was getting in the way and one was now in a nursing home. Chris and I have a pretty good relationship with most of the neighbors and I love it. Some of course stick to themselves, mostly the ones of our age. I don't know what it is, maybe once all the babies are born we will have a common denominator : D

But for now I have a lot of love from neighbors that give me tips on gardening, tell me what's going on with their neighbors, lol, we talk about our dogs, and what's happening at church, since I don't attend; someone give me a kick in the butt, please!

Comment away....

I finally figured out how to switch the settings, so that anyone can comment on a post. (This may be good and bad, lol.) I know a lot of family that read, do not have a blogger accounts and now you don't have to.  So if you have something to say, let me know!